Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Loving Kindness (Karaniyametta Sutta)

Reference: http://www.maithri.com/Buddhist_Paritta_Chanting/Loving_kindness_Discourse.htm

One skilled in good, wishing to attain
that state of peace should act thus:
he should be able, straight, upright,
obedient, gentle, and humble.

He should be contented, easy to support,
with few duties, living lightly,
controlled in senses, discreet,
not impudent, unattached to families.

He should not do any slight wrong
for which the wise might censure him.
May all beings be happy and secure!
May all beings have happy minds!

Whatever living beings there may be
without exception, weak or strong,
long, large, middling,
short, subtle, or gross,

Visible or invisible,
living near or far,
born or coming to birth
may all beings have happy minds!

Let no one deceive another
nor despise anyone anywhere.
Neither in anger nor ill-will
Should anyone wish harm to another.

As a mother would risk her own life
to protect her only child,
even so towards all living beings
one should cultivate a boundless heart

One should cultivate for all the world
a heart of boundless loving-kindness,
above, below, and cross,
unobstructed, without hate or enmity.

Whether standing, walking, or sitting,
lying down or whenever awake,
he should develop this mindfulness;
this is called divinely dwelling here.

Not falling into erroneous views,
but virtuous and endowed with vision,
removing desire for sensual pleasures,
he comes never again to birth in the womb.

By the power of this Truth may I always enjoy well-being.

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