Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Loving Kindness (Karaniyametta Sutta)

Reference: http://www.maithri.com/Buddhist_Paritta_Chanting/Loving_kindness_Discourse.htm

One skilled in good, wishing to attain
that state of peace should act thus:
he should be able, straight, upright,
obedient, gentle, and humble.

He should be contented, easy to support,
with few duties, living lightly,
controlled in senses, discreet,
not impudent, unattached to families.

He should not do any slight wrong
for which the wise might censure him.
May all beings be happy and secure!
May all beings have happy minds!

Whatever living beings there may be
without exception, weak or strong,
long, large, middling,
short, subtle, or gross,

Visible or invisible,
living near or far,
born or coming to birth
may all beings have happy minds!

Let no one deceive another
nor despise anyone anywhere.
Neither in anger nor ill-will
Should anyone wish harm to another.

As a mother would risk her own life
to protect her only child,
even so towards all living beings
one should cultivate a boundless heart

One should cultivate for all the world
a heart of boundless loving-kindness,
above, below, and cross,
unobstructed, without hate or enmity.

Whether standing, walking, or sitting,
lying down or whenever awake,
he should develop this mindfulness;
this is called divinely dwelling here.

Not falling into erroneous views,
but virtuous and endowed with vision,
removing desire for sensual pleasures,
he comes never again to birth in the womb.

By the power of this Truth may I always enjoy well-being.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


หมั่นคิดถึงสิ่งที่อยู่ตรงหน้า แล้วคุณจะไม่เป็นคนคิดมาก ฝึกรู้อาการคิดที่กำลังเกิดขึ้น แล้วคุณจะเลิกหลงไปกับความคิดฟุ้งซ่าน

ดังตฤณ ทวิตเตอร์

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Wise Grandfather

A Native American was talking with his grandson. The grandson asked, "Grandfather, what do you think about the current world situation?"

The grandfather replied, "I feel like there are two wolves fighting in my heart.

One wolf is full of anger, hate and revenge; the other is full of love, forgiveness and peace."

"Which one will win?" asked the grandson.

"The one I feed," replied the grandfather

One of my favorites.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dhammapada 172-173

Another translation for Dhammapada 172-173:

Who once was heedless,
but later is not,
brightens the world
like the moon set free from a cloud.

His evil-done deed
is replaced with skillfulness:
he brightens the world
like the moon set free from a cloud.

Reference: www.intratext.com

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Meditation on Death

Meditation on Death

Like a flame blown out by the wind,
This life-continuum goes to destruction;
Recognizing one's similarities to others,
One should develop mindfulness of death.

Just as people who have achieved
Great success in the world have died,
So too I must certainly die.
Death is harassing me.

Death always comes along
Together with birth,
Searching for an opportunity,
Like a murderer out to kill.

Not the least bit stoppable,
Always going forward,
Life rushes towards its end,
Like the rising sun to its setting.

Like lightning, a bubble, dew drops,
Or a line drawn in the water, life cannot last;
Death is like a murderer after his foe,
Completely unrestrainable.

Death slays those great in glory,
In strength, merit, powers, and wisdom,
And even the two kinds of conquerors;
No need to speak about one like me.

Due to a lack of the necessities of life,
To some inner or outer misfortune,
I who am dying moment after moment
Can die in the blink of an eye.

The life of mortals is signless,
Its length cannot be known in advance;
It is difficult and limited
And tied up with suffering.

There is no possibility
That mortals shall not die;
Having reached old age they die;
Such is the nature of living beings.

As a fruit, when ripe,
Has to fall,
So all beings live constantly
In the fear that they will die.

As a potter's earthen jars
Eventually must all break up,
So too does the life of mortals
Eventually come to an end.

The young and the old,
The foolish and the wise,
All move in the grip of death;
All finally end in death.

Impermanent are all conditioned things,
Affected by rising and falling away;
Having arisen they then must cease;
Blissful is it when they subside.

Before long this body will lie
Cast away upon the ground,
Bereft of all consciousness
Like a useless block of wood.

Uninvited he came here,
Without leave he departed.
He went just as he came,
So why lament?

Like gigantic boulders,
Mountains reaching to the sky
Moving in from all sides,
Crushing all in the four directions–

So aging and death come
Rolling over living beings–
Noble warriors, priests, merchants,
Workers, outcasts, and scavengers.
They spare nothing;
They crush everything.

Here elephants can hold no ground,
Nor can chariots or infantry.
One can't defeat them by a battle of spells
Or buy them off by means of wealth.

So a wise person,
Seeing his own good,
Secures firm conviction
In the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha.

He who practices the Dhamma
In thought, word, and deed,
Receives praise here on earth
And after death rejoices in heaven.

Last weekend was Kathina weekend at the Bhavana Society.

There was also a merit making in remembering p'Krieng (Dr. Kriengsak Sukanich) who passed away last month.

I really like the "Meditation on Death" as it helps me contemplating death. There was one question I asked myself everyday when I was an undergrad.

Will there be any regrets if I die today?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

What Would Buddha Do at Work?

What would Buddha do about rumors and gossip?

What is Right Speech?
Abstaining from lying, divisive speech,
abusive speech, and idle chatter.

Samyutta Nikaya 45.8

What would Buddha tell people who want to change themselves?

One who turns away from recklessness
Is like the moon emerging from the clouds
Her evil deeds give away to good and she
Is like the moon emerging from the clouds.

Dhammapada 172-173

Excerpts from this book: What Would Buddha Do at Work?

Sunday, June 22, 2008


โดย รวมศิลปิน RS

Another song I have been practicing to sing for my mom.